Friday, December 27, 2013

Wow, ternyata ikan hiu itu pintar!

Wow, tahukah kalian ternyata ikan hiu (shark) tahu bagaimana cara menghadapi manusia. Bagi Anda para penyelam atau yang biasa main di laut atau bersemedi alias bertapa di pinggir laut, hati-hati dan waspada sebab apa?

Sebab menurut Shark Research Institut di Florida, USA, ikan hiu suka mendatangi atau menyerang dari belakang manusia terutama para penyelam (diver).

Dalam penelitian tentang sifat ikan hiu ini, para ilmuwan dengan suka rela 'nyemplung' dan duduk berjam-jam di dasar laut Karibia. Hal ini tentu saja sambil direkam (namanya juga penelitian). Ternyata 80 persen ikan Hiu tersebut mendatangi ilmuwan tadi dari arah belakang! Wah, menakutkan sekali kan? Harimau saja bisa ditelan mentah-mentah tanpa digoreng (ikan hiu nya tidak punya kompor), apalagi manusia.

O, Iya...ilmuwan yang duduk di dasar laut tadi berdiam diri tanpa bergerak agar HIU tidak tahu manusia ini menghadap ke mana. Anehnya, ikan hiu itu bisa memilih arah belakang manusia. Apa mereka punya radar ya? atau indera ke-entah berapa?

Kemungkinan karena ikan hiu tadi sudah pernah mengenal tubuh manusia sebelumnya atau mereka menyamakan tubuh manusia dengan mangsa mereka yaitu bagian yang menonjol (hidung atau masker) sebagai bagian depan.

Google Glass makin Keren

Google glass menyatakan telah meng-update software mereka yang memungkinkan seseorang cukup berkedip untuk mengambil gambar.

Menurut pihak Google Glass, dengan software ini dimungkinkan suatu saat Anda bisa membayar taksi atau membeli di toko cukup dengan kedipan mata, hebat nggak tuh?!

Google Glass juga akan dilengkapi dengan kunci yang berupa 'goyangan tangan' untuk membuka software tersebut. Jadi, software ini tidak akan membuka jika ada orang lain yang berusaha membobol dengan 'goyang ngebor'...hahaha.

Perangkat tersebut memungkinkan user untuk merekam video, mengirim pesan atau mengambil gambar cukup dengan isyarat suara atau sentuhan.

Google glass terhubung ke dunia maya dengan WIFI atau perangkat nirkabel yang lain. Twitter dan FB merupakan salah satu yang akan digunakan oleh Google Glass.

Aplikasi BBM pre-installed di Smartphone LG

Aplikasi BBM akan tersedia pre-installed di ponsel pinter LG mulai dari LG G Pro lite. Hal ini setelah adanya persetujuan dari kedua belah pihak (Blackberry dan LG Electronics).

Meskipun demikian, aplikasi BBM tetap bisa didnld gratis di Googla play maupun Android appstore. Jadi, bagi yang belum punya BBM, jangan khawatir (nggak perlu susah susah ke pom bensin).

BBM akan terus dikembangkan untuk Android maupun iphone pada saat mendatang. BBM nantinya akan mencakup BBM channels, voice maupun video. Hal ini agar meningkatkan pengalaman para pengguna dalam berinteraksi dengan komunitas terdekat.

Acer C720 Chromebook (11.6-Inch, Haswell micro-architecture, 4GB), High Performance over Design

Your notebook is out of use, you need a new one? Acer Chromebook C720 is one option you can add to your wishlist. With haswell, Acer C720 offers you a high performance over build or screen quality whereas the HP 11 offers the quality screen and display over performance. So, if you emphasize functions over form, C720 will be the answer to your search.

Acer C720 Chromebook (11.6-Inch, Haswell micro-architecture, 4GB)

What features or advantages of C720? It can play the raw 1080p video from Sony ActionCam smoothly, the HDMI to HDTV works great too. Not only can you stream the web content 1080p from HDMI port to your TV, but on the 11.6-inch screen of C720 you are also able to stream 1080p simultaneously while browsing in multiple tabs without discernable hit in performance. C720 is a beast!!!

With Intel Celeron Haswell chip, Acer C720 seems to match the performance of MacBook Air. On the 11.6 in display, you can browse the web smoothly with no realistic limitation to open multiple tabs or windows. The 4GB RAM really plays an important role in here.

C720 Acer laptop has a compact size, it's a hair larger than Mac Book Air in all dimensions. And, it feels a bit heavier. If you've got MacBook Air in your home, you'll be able to compare both of them.

Talking about battery life, it's one we should consider when buying a laptop wherever you purchase it. This Acer C-720 lasts up to 7 hours of use at the 70 percent brightness. It's an awesome endurance though it doesn't match MacBook which lasts up to 9 hours on moderate use. However, C720 is much cheaper to have such an astounding battery life compared to the pricey MacBook.

With C720 you can keep on using all your external HD's which some laptop aren't able to play nicely. Overall, Acer C720 Chromebook (11.6 inch, Haswell, 4Gb) is an outstanding bargain at its Affordable cheap price. It's a notebook that gives high performance over screen or build.

Acer Aspire S7-392-9890 13.3-Inch Touchscreen Ultrabook (Crystal White) Review

Why do some people prefer Acer laptop to other brands? You may be one of them who love Acer notebook. One of the best Acer is Acer Aspire S7-392-9890. It comes with 13.3 inch screen. It seems medium, not to wide nor small. And the most interesting thing is the touchscreen which makes this ultrabooks a big plus. To know the pros and cons of this laptop, read this review to the end.

Acer Aspire S7-392-9890 13.3-Inch Touchscreen Ultrabook (Crystal White)

Aspire S7-392 has a thin, light and ergonomic design. You'll be surprised to know that Acer includes a leather case that makes Aspire S7 look like a fashion statement a plus for you.

Switching from HDD on Windows 7 to SSD on Windows 8 is mind blowing. Just from around 3 minutes to 3 seconds is a big improvement that will make you love it more. Overall, the boot time is improving a lot better than the previous Acer.

When it comes to battery life, Acer knows how to solve the power efficiency and consumption. For regular tasks like browsing or check email at 70 percent brightness, it can last up to 8 or 9 hours which is very amazing. For heavy works, it might last less than that.

The touchpad is responsive and customizable. You're suggested to adjust everything on touchpad to get the most out of multi gestures.

The backlit keyboard is awesome which enhances the laptop. The brightness is automatically changes when it gets dark, it's a convenient feature.

The webcam is 0.9Mp which seems too low, but the sensors are on the top notch especially at night. You'll be able to see your face clearly in the pitch dark without lighting except the screen light.

Acer Aspire S7 doesn't include ethernet dongle like they did in the previous version. The speakers are placed on the sides at the bottom which makes the sound mufled. But, you can use heaphones instead.

Overall, Acer Aspire S7-392-9890 is an awesome ultra books which combines fast boot up, nice design, long battery life and Affordable Best price. You can check more info or purchase it online after comparing the price list.

Apple MacBook Air MD761LL/A 13.3-Inch Laptop (NEWEST VERSION)

Are you shopping for a notebook for your schools or college? You may say that you're anti-Apple, but blow such a stubborness away by reading this review. One of the best Apple Laptop is MacBook Air MD761LLA. It comes with lots of advantages that may turn people's attention to this Mac Air. MacBook Air MD761LLA has 13.3-inch screen which isn't too large nor narrow.

jjaApple MacBook Air MD761LL/A 13.3-Inch Laptop (NEWEST VERSION)

What are the features offered by MacBook Air MD761 that makes this computer amazing? Let's carefully read this review to the end.

First, the design is pretty nice but it may depends on users' subjective notions. This MBA MD761 is very light, you can use it for few weeks to know that it's lighter than other laptop. This is a big plus for a student to bring it to the class or around. So, if you're a student, you won't be disappointed.

The operating system upgrade is free, unlike other OS. The X Mavericks is amazing, slick, stylish and colorful. It's much adapted to the needs of student. You'll love it and want no other.

Mac Book Air md761 makes the multi-tasking easy, you can work your tasks on many screen. If you are Windows nostalgic, you can install a parallel. The Office of Mac is the same as one of Windows, except Mac has more templates and aestethically appealing design. You can install other browsers like Google Chrome or Firefox.

Browsing internet is fast and you can enlarge the image with finger and trackpad. The trackpad is awesome, it feels smooth. It feels like you're the one moving the page like you would with magazines or books.

The new X Mavericks gives you free ibooks and iMaps. You can add a map or directions to your daily events in iCalendar.

If you've got an iPhone or iPad, you can get the infinity of possibility and uses by syncronizing it to your MacBook.

The battery life or MacBook MD761 is excellent with fast recovery. You have may ways to make it longer with many options in the setting.

Overall, this laptop is awesome. Just Check Price List to see how affordable it is. I hope this review helps you in deciding whether or not to buy MacBook Air MD761LL/A 13.3 in (newest version).

Apple MacBook Pro ME294LL/A 15.4-Inch Laptop with Retina Display Review

In need of a solid, light and powerful Apple laptop? MacBook Pro ME294LL/A is one of the Best Laptop which comes with many excellent features. This newest version has 15.4-inch screen. It's a bit wide, suitable for those who want to get maximum experience of browsing, gaming, video playing, etc. Is it really perfect without any flaws? Let's find it out by reading this review.

Apple MacBook Pro ME294LL/A 15.4-Inch Laptop with Retina Display (NEWEST VERSION)

MacBook Pro ME-294LLA is an amazing light laptop which is extremely solid. It features the gorgeous retina display that makes better screen experience. Since this notebook is powerful, it can do the project in few seconds compared to the older Mac Pro which needs few minutes. It's a big plus for this computer. The brilliant display of this Mac Pro gives a desktop space useful for using serious software like Photoshop or Xcode to their full.

THe machine of MBP ME 294 LLA is very fast to open most of apps instantly. You can also open heavy software like XCode instantly and makes it full with the retina display. The battery life is very good. It lasts around 9 hours for moderate uses, but it lasts less when doing heavy tasks.

The built in SD Card on this laptop is handy. To get an ethernet connection, you can use ethernet adapter.

The only problem related to the retina display is that many websites or blogs do not have high resolution of images, so it ends up looking a bit blurry when you enlarge the image. Overall, the retina is truly awesome making all photos look better.

See More Detail to check its price and read additional info which is necessary before deciding to buy it.

Apple MacBook Pro ME866LL/A 13.3-Inch Laptop with Retina Display (NEWEST VERSION) Review

Apple MacBook Pro ME866LL/A 13.3-Inch Laptop with Retina Display (NEWEST VERSION)

Need a new Laptop and your choice falls upon Apple MacBook Pro? The MacBook Pro ME-866LL/A is the newest version that comes with Retina display. It's definitely one of the Best Laptop available right now. Compared to the previous MB Pro versions, this 13.3-inch notebook is a huge improvement. Read the review to know it deeper.

This MacBook Pro ME866LLA has a phenomenal retina screen. Its retina display seems to be the reason why many people want to buy this laptop. AT the best scaled 1280x800 display setting, the pixels are none existent, the screen is super smooth and crisp. Viewing angle is excellent, up to 178 degrees or so, horizontal and vertical. The option of 1440x1650 resolution is pretty useful if you need a more desktop space, the text size becomes tiny in this resolution.

The 3.47lb makes the biggest different in portability and holding an rMBP next to MB Air. For moderate websurfing, the battery life lasts up to 9 hours. Playing some light games and watching HD movies takes the battery life to 5-6 hours which is very good.

The performance is good. It handles all the works well. It doesn't have problems to edit hi-resolution photo with photoshop. The SSD is really fast. Under CPU load (watching HD youtube), the previous MBP gets hot while this newest version only gets warm.

Port selection is another people's reason to choose this MacBook Pro over Air. the full size HDMI port is nice for playing movies on your HDTV. There is also AirPLay which extends to Apple TV. The HDMI port will be a big plus for those loving to collect digital movies.

The biggest drawbacks or cons of MacBook Pro ME 866LL A are that it's not user-ugradable, So get the best configuration you can afford now if you plan to keep it more than a couple years.

Check Amazon's bestprice to make you sure if or not to buy this laptop.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Lenovo Andalkan PC

Ini dia kabar tentang Lenovo. Menurut pihak Lenovo, produk mereka yang masih menjadi unggulan adalah PC karena PC inilah yang masih banyak terjual.

Untuk bisnis kecil dan menengah Lenovo, desktop masih lebih diminati dari pada Notebook mereka. CEO Lenovo Indonesia, Sandy Lumy, mengatakan bahwa market share mereka selama 3 kuartal ini mencapai 13,5 persen. Ini merupakan prestasi yang tidak kecil.

Lumy juga mengatakan market share Lenove untuk ponsel pintar di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan yang cukup signifikan. Market share untuk produk smartphone mereka ternyata telah menginjak angka 10 persen. Lumayan dari pada nggak laku.

Itulah sekilas info jadul tentang Lenovo yang sedang berusaha meningkatkan produknya di pasaran.

FB kenalkan tombol Sympatize

Facebook berencana mengenalkan tombol sympatize. Ini kemungkinan akan mengganti tombol 'Like' karena dianggap mengungkapkan emosi negatif.

Dengan demikian akan menjadi sekian orang bersimpati dengan status ini dari pada menyukai status ini.

Facebook baru-
baru ini
rencana untuk
memilih News Feed
"konten berkualitas
tinggi" kepada
pengguna dengan
memindai status
atau artikel yang
berdasarkan nilai

Sementara itu,
perusahaan ini juga
meluncurkan fitur
auto-play video
untuk aplikasi
mobilenya, dan
membawa fitur ini
ke versi desktop di
masa depan.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Samsung Berencana Memakai Kamera 20mp pada Smartphone mereka

Menurut kabar, Raksasa dari Korea yaitu Samsung, sedang mengembangkan modul kamera 20mp untuk smartphone mereka.

Samsung ingin meningkatkan resolusi kameranya mengingat Vendor-vendor lain juga telah ada yang menyematkan kamera resolusi tinggi. Resolusi kamera Galaxy S5 yang akan segera dirilis adalah 16 megapixel, hampir kalah oleh Sony Xperia kelas menengah yang sudah mengadopsi 13mp kamera.

Samsung telah sepakat dengan Sony untuk memakai CMOS beresolusi tinggi secara eksklusif. Menurut berita, Samsung berencana mengirim 360 juta smartphone ke seluruh dunia pada tahun depan.


Monday, December 9, 2013

Netter Indonesia Meningkat Tajam

Tahukah Kalian menurut APJII alias Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesi, netter atau para pemakai internet indo akan meningkat menjadi 82 juta. Ini merupakan jumlah yang sangat besar.

Menurut survey APJII. tahun 2013 ini sudah ada sekitar 24 persen penduduk indo yang suka nge-net atau sekitar 62 juta. Ini berarti masyarakat semakin akrab dengan dunia maya. Berhubung dunia maya semakin menarik, dikhawatirkan mereka akan lupa dengan dunia nyata (ha ha ha).

Salah satu sebab meningkatnya pengguna internet adalah meningkatnya media sosial seperti twitter atau facebook. Selain itu juga semakin meningkatnya transaksi atau jual beli online alias e-commerce.


Google update OS Android KitKat ke 4.4.1

Meskipun system operasi Android Kitkat (4.4) baru saja dirilis belum lama ini, Google akan segera mengupdate ke 4.4.1.

Hal ini kemungkinan karena banyaknya masalah bug yang terjadi pada perangkat Google yang telah mengadopsi Android KitKat. Masalah tersebut antara lain tombol home and dial yang tidak bekerja, lockscreen yang tidak berjalan sempurna, dll.

Sebenarnya masalah bug tersebut hanya terjadi secara acak alias tidak pada semua perangkat Google. Meskipun demikian, alasan inilah yang diduga kuat membuat Google segera mengupdate ke 4.4.1


Amazon berencana mengirim paket dengan pesawat tanpa awak

Benarkah akan menggunakan pesawat tanpa awak untuk mengirimkan barang ke pembeli? Chief Executive Officer Amazon, Jeff Bezos, mempunyai gagasan radikal yaitu mengirimkan paket dengan pesawat tanpa awak ke rumah pelanggan.

Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh Bezos melalui sebuah sample yaitu mainan yang menjatuhkan barang dari atas rumah. Menurutnya, alat bertenaga listrik octopers tersebut mampu terbang membawa beban sekitar 2,3 kg menempuh jarak 16km dalam waktu kurang dari 30 menit. Pesawat ini terbang tanpa manusia.

Akan tetapi, hal tersebut menghadapi banyak masalah. Selain pemerintah AS belum menetapkan aturan untuk pesawat tanpa awak, rencama Jeff tersebut juga akan menjadi cemoohan orang sebagai sebuah aksi publisitas.

Bezos optimis hal ini akan terwujud empat atau lima tahun mendatang. Sebenarnya pengiriman lewat pesawat nirawak juga telah direncanakan oleh Zookal, sebuah tempat penyewaan buku di Australia.


Thursday, December 5, 2013

HP ZBook 15 Workstation, Mantap !

Tahukah kalian bahwa produk terbaru HP yaitu Zbook 15 Workstation memiliki kemampuan bukan main-main yaitu transfer data sampai 10gb/s dengan slot thunderbolt.

Zbook 15Zbook 15

Seperti Anda ketahui, ThunderBolt merupakan teknologi yang menghubungkan perangkat periferal dengan komputer dalam kecepatan tinggi.

Agar pemakaian baterai nya tetap hemat, Zbook menggunakan teknology 'hybrid graphics' dan switcheable graphic yang secara otomatis mematikan GPU ketika tidak dipakai.

Notebook Zbook ini memiliki layar 15-inch, processor Intel Core i7-4900MQ dengan speed 2.8-Ghz. Soal RAM, Zbook memakai DDR3L SDRAM yang bisa di upgrade sampai 32Gb.

Laptop ini sedikit lebih tipis dibanding generasi HP mobile workstation terdahulu.

Dengan balutan magnesium 4 lapis, casing Zbook 15 mencegah dari goresan. Selain itu desain nya juga stylish!

Laptop ini merupakan Andalan HP yang cocok untuk para profesional yang menginginkan hasil tinggi.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Indosat berencana meluncurkan Satelit Palapa-E di tahun 2016

Selamat datang di blog ini para pengunjung sekalian. Kali ini Saya akan mengetengahkan sebuah kabar dari salah satu operator di tanah air yaitu Indosat. Perusahaan ini berencana meluncurkan satelit palapa-E pada tahun 2016 nanti.

Pihak Indosat telah menandatangani kerja sama dengan Orbital Science pada November 2013 kemarin. Hal ini telah disampaikan pihak Indosat kepada Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika.

Satelit Palapa-E tersebut akan mengganti Satelit Palapa C2 yang mengorbit pada 150.5 derajat BT (bujur timur). Satelit ini menggunakan platform Satelit GeoStar-2 dari Orbital Science Corporation dan dikendalikan dari Stasiun bumi Jatiluhur.

Satelit Palapa-E ini nantinya akan menjadi tulang punggung yang mendukung semua layanan Indosat baik telekomunikasi tetap atau data tetap maupun layanan seluler.


Divergent by Veronica Roth (kindle ebook) Review

Divergent by Veronica Roth (kindle edition)

Looking for Divergent in Kindle Edition? Before you decide to get this e-book, it's very necessary to read this review first. Divergent is Veronica Roth's novel contains action, mistery, humor and a little bit of romance. It's a fast paced story in other world situation with strong female character like in Hunger games. If you like the excellent Hunger Games but need more rules, you'll love reading Divergent.

The divergent starts off with introducing the lifestyle of Beatrice, sixteen year old girl, in dystopian or controlled world which has 5 factions: Abnegation who put others before their own needs, the Erudite who are studious, the Dauntless who are brave and fearless, the Amity who are peaceful, and the Candor who are honest. (Beatrice chose the Dauntless).

Before Choosing Day where each 16 year old decide which faction they will devote their life to, is an aptitude test which tells Beatrice in what faction she would fit most...but it will never be simple for her life. Instead of having only one of the traits as is normal, She owns at least three. It makes her a dangerous girl for the reasons she doesn't understand, and the answers aren't forthcoming as she's got to keep this info to herself or risk being killed.

From there, Beatrice has to make her own mark in the world and make an ultimate decision that will change her rest of life. There's no more she portray the meek, a silent young girl without spirit but instead forces her to rise up to the challenge she's got to face in both her initiation and life. For if her guard is down, she becomes factionless without friends and family, but what she doesn't expect to find along her path is what she's yearned for all along. To find out who she really is.

Reading the ''Divergent'', you'll jump out of your seat and biting your nails quickly as it draws you to Beatrice's world, cheering in one minute and crying in the next.

The Divergent is one Novel that's really recommended for those loving bravery, action and little bit romance plus a ton of challenging adventure. Be careful! It will make sit at the edge of your seat and eagerly anticipate the sequel!

Where to buy The Book Thief?

You can get it from Amazon after checking the best price it offers.

Tahukah Kalian?

Tahukah kalian apa itu BATAN? BATAN merupakan singkatan dari Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional yang tentu saja mengurusi masalah pemakaian tenaga Nuklir atau atom.

BATAN telah meluncurkan logo anyar alias baru bertepatan dengan pembukaan 'Atomos Day' di Jakarta, tepatnya di 'Tennis Indoor' Senayan. Logo tersebut berupa gambar 3 buah lingkaran yang berwarna hijau,orange, dan biru.

Menurut kepala BATAN, warna tersebut memiliki makna tersendiri. Tahukah kalian apa maknanya? Hijau berarti kemakmuran, orange bermakna Energi dan Inovasi, biru berarti Kejujuran.

Apa tujuan penggantian logo tersebut? Tujuannya adalah untuk memasyarakatkan tenaga Nuklir. Sebelumnya logo terdahulu berupa gambar padi, kapas dan lingkaran atom.
